Uncategorized rDNAome - GANLEY Laboratory

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  • 28/August/2013 - Genetics lecturer position at Massey Albany

    Massey University is advertising a permanent genetics lecturer position at the Albany campus. The details can be found here: http://jobs.massey.ac.nz/PositionDetail.aspx?p=7945

  • 17/April/2013 - Naomi’s graduation!

    Congratulations to Naomi on her graduation with a BSc(Hons) degree!! Congratulations also go to Gabby Beans-Picon for her PhD graduation, and Shannon Fraser for her BSc graduation. Well done everyone!

  • 8/August/2012 - Mushroom fun!

    Some of my photos of the basket stinkhorn mushroom, Ileodictyon cibarium, are up on MushroomExpert.com!

  • 30/July/2012 - Congratulations, Naomi!!

    Congratulations to Naomi for achieving a first-class Honours!!! Fantastic achievement, and very well deserved.

  • 24/July/2012 - 2012 Ganley lab awards

    The winners of the 2012 Ganley Lab awards are: Yushou prize for outstanding achievement in research: Saumya Agrawal Outstanding performance award: Naomi Davies Juryo prize for outstanding undergraduate research: Ilog Seo And a special lab award to Mat Woods. Congratulations!!

  • 28/March/2012 - Pierre Thuriaux has died

    It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of Pierre Thuriaux on March 17th. Among Pierre’s many interests, he worked a lot with the RNA polymerases and had a vast knowledge of yeast biology. Pierre had an incredible passion and enthusiasm for biology and research that put many younger researchers to shame, and [...]

  • 23/March/2012 - Death of Oscar Miller

    Also sad to note the passing of Oscar Miller, from which “Miller spreads”. He pioneered making these images, which we still use today.

  • 13/March/2012 - Roy Britten has died

    Sad to note the passing of one of the real god-fathers of repeat biology, Roy Britten. See the obituary in Science.

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