Congratulations to Saumya for successfully completing her PhD. A great achievement, and a lot of exciting data!!
Massey University is advertising a permanent genetics lecturer position at the Albany campus. The details can be found here:
Congratulations to Naomi on her graduation with a BSc(Hons) degree!! Congratulations also go to Gabby Beans-Picon for her PhD graduation, and Shannon Fraser for her BSc graduation. Well done everyone!
National Radio recently featured our high school metagenomics outreach program. You can download the podcast here.
Some of my photos of the basket stinkhorn mushroom, Ileodictyon cibarium, are up on!
Congratulations to Naomi for achieving a first-class Honours!!! Fantastic achievement, and very well deserved.
The winners of the 2012 Ganley Lab awards are: Yushou prize for outstanding achievement in research: Saumya Agrawal Outstanding performance award: Naomi Davies Juryo prize for outstanding undergraduate research: Ilog Seo And a special lab award to Mat Woods. Congratulations!!
It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of Pierre Thuriaux on March 17th. Among Pierre’s many interests, he worked a lot with the RNA polymerases and had a vast knowledge of yeast biology. Pierre had an incredible passion and enthusiasm for biology and research that put many younger researchers to shame, and [...]
Also sad to note the passing of Oscar Miller, from which “Miller spreads”. He pioneered making these images, which we still use today.
Sad to note the passing of one of the real god-fathers of repeat biology, Roy Britten. See the obituary in Science.