Uncategorized rDNAome - GANLEY Laboratory

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  • 21/November/2023 - Brett @ NZSBMB

    Brett is going to present a poster at the upcoming NZ Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology meeting (NZSBMB) in Hamner Springs near Christchurch next week. Enjoy the conference and hope the poster presentation goes well.

  • 21/November/2023 - Welcome to Suyeon

    Welcome to Suyeon, who is doing a summer studentship with Danni this summer. Great to have you in lab, Suyeon, and hope the research goes well!

  • 21/November/2023 - Lightning talks

    Well done to Brett, Tithi and Ashika for doing excellent jobs with their 2-minute lightning talks at the recent SBS Showcase. Always a major challenge to try and describe a project in 2 minutes – you all did very well!

  • 21/November/2023 - Farewell to Jamie and Macy

    Thanks to Jamie and Macy, the Sciece Scholar students, for all your efforts in the lab this year! Best wishes for your next steps.

  • 21/November/2023 - Updating lab website (finally)!

    After a very long (multi-year) delay, I’m finally updating our web page! Apologies it has taken so long. Hopefully I will be a bit better at keeping it up-to-date in the future. It may take a while for me to go through and update everything, so check back in a bit later if something still [...]

  • 9/November/2017 - Bye to Melody and Michelle

    Michelle Cao and Melody Tang are leaving the lab after 6 months helping out in the lab. Thanks for all the hard work, and best wishes for your future studies!!

  • 9/November/2017 - AGTA meeting in Hobart

    Austen has just got back from the AGTA meeting in Hobart, Tasmania, where he was an invited speaker. Great conference highlighting some of the cutting edge stuff going on in genomics.

  • 9/November/2017 - 10 year resolution

    Coming up to the 10 year anniversary of the rDNAome lab! And I’m going to make a 10-year resolution: keep the homepage more updated!

  • 27/April/2016 - New position at University of Auckland!!

    Somewhat belatedly, this is announcing that the rDNAome has moved to the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Auckland! We’re looking forward to working with everyone here. Daria, Megan, Jess and Diksha are the inaugural members of the University of Auckland’s rDNAome lab!

  • 31/August/2015 - Megan is accepted into the PhD program

    Megan Schischka has been accepted in the PhD program, and so we look forward to her starting her PhD in cancer biology, as part of the Marsden funded project.

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